====== KnowRob has moved to GitHub ====== The KnowRob code has moved to its own [[https://github.com/knowrob/knowrob|repository at GitHub]] as part of an effort to make the development more open to the community. Several packages that have previously been part of the [[http://tum-ros-pkg.svn.sourceforge.net/|tum-ros-pkg repository]] or other private repositories have been made available in the [[https://github.com/knowrob/knowrob_addons|knowrob_addons]] and [[https://github.com/knowrob/knowrob_human|knowrob_human]] repositories. ==== Migration ==== If you use the KnowRob binary packages, you do not have to change anything. If you use the source installation, check out the new repository using git clone git@github.com:knowrob/knowrob.git ==== Mailing list ==== If you would like to stay up to date with recent developments of KnowRob, please subscribe to the [[https://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/mailman/listinfo/knowrob-users|knowrob-users mailing list]] that is used for important announcements around the KnowRob system. {{tag>}}