====== Install KnowRob in a rosbuild workspace (deprecated) ====== Rosbuild has been the main build system of ROS from its beginning until about 2012. Older versions of KnowRob have thus been based on this buildsystem. This version is recommended if you use KnowRob on ROS Groovy and earlier. **Please note that development of this branch has stopped in Summer 2014.** ===== Installation from source ===== We have prepared different .rosinstall setup files that you can add to your ROS workspace as described [[http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials/InstallingandConfiguringROSEnvironment|here]]. ===Basic KnowRob installation=== rosws merge https://raw.github.com/knowrob/knowrob/master/rosinstall/knowrob-base.rosinstall rosws update rosdep install knowrob rosmake knowrob ===KnowRob system including tutorials=== rosws merge https://raw.github.com/knowrob/knowrob/master/rosinstall/knowrob-tutorial.rosinstall rosws update rosdep install knowrob rosmake knowrob ===Complete system including add-on packages=== rosws merge https://raw.github.com/knowrob/knowrob/master/rosinstall/knowrob-all.rosinstall rosws update rosdep install knowrob rosmake knowrob ===Developer setup (requires access to private repositories)=== rosws merge https://raw.github.com/knowrob/knowrob/master/rosinstall/knowrob-dev.rosinstall rosws update rosdep install knowrob rosmake knowrob You are now done with the KnowRob installation. Have a look at the [[doc/getting_started|Getting started]] guide for some hints how to proceed.