====== KnowRob documentation ====== A detailed documentation is available in the [[https://github.com/knowrob/knowrob|github repository]]. Please have a look at the README.md files there. In addition, a broad overview is provided by the following pages: * [[doc/getting_started|Getting started]] * [[doc/important_concepts|Important concepts]] * [[doc/best-practices|Best practices]] ====== Tutorials ====== Tutorials are available in form of //jupyter// notebooks. They are part of the source tree and can be found in the [[https://github.com/knowrob/knowrob/tree/dev/jupyter|/jupyter]] directory. A local binder instance might be available [[https://binder.intel4coro.de/v2/gh/knowrob/knowrob.git/dev?labpath=jupyter%2Fintro.ipynb|here]] to run the tutorials in the browser. ===== Frequently Asked Questions ===== * [[doc/faq| KnowRob FAQ]] * [[http://answers.ros.org/questions/scope:all/sort:activity-desc/tags:knowrob/page:1|KnowRob-related questions on answers.ros.org]] ===== Deprecated documentation ===== **Deprecated** documentation can be found [[doc_deprecated|here]]. They will not work with the current version of KnowRob.