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Reasoning about geometric object models

This module is currently under development and not publicly available. A publication describing this module has been presented at IROS 2013.


Start knowrob_mesh_reasoning

rosmake knowrob_cad_models
roscd knowrob_mesh_reasoning
rosrun rosprolog rosprolog knowrob_mesh_reasoning

Analyze a model by its direct path or a KnowRob identifier (you first have to load an OWL file with the object)

 ?- mesh_annotator_path('package://knowrob_cad_models/models/drinking_vessels/cup2.dae',Mr).
 ?- mesh_annotator(knowrob:'DrinkingBottle', Mr).

Retrieve a list of found annotation types:

 ?- mesh_element_types($Mr, TypeList).
 TypeList = ['Plane','Cone','Sphere','Container'].

Sample call for highlighting all sphere annotations:

 ?- mesh_annotator_path('package://knowrob_mesh_reasoning/models/cup2.dae',Mr).
 PeasyCam v105
 [INFO  14:28:17,955] root - MeshReasoning started. Parsing model ...
 [DEBUG 14:28:18,748] root - Model parsed. Took: 00:00:00.781 (Vertices: 3196, Lines: 0, Triangles: 6332)
 [DEBUG 14:28:18,754] root - Calculating curvature ...
 [DEBUG 14:28:19,271] NeighborAnalyzer - Started
 [DEBUG 14:28:23,860] NeighborAnalyzer - Ended. Took: 00:00:04.588
 [DEBUG 14:28:23,860] PrimitiveAnalyzer - Started
 [DEBUG 14:28:27,788] PrimitiveAnalyzer - Ended. Took: 00:00:03.928
 [DEBUG 14:28:27,788] ContainerAnalyzer - Started
 [DEBUG 14:28:27,791] ContainerAnalyzer - Ended. Took: 00:00:00.002
 Mr = @'J#00000140259203508552'. 
 ?- mesh_find_annotations($Mr,'Sphere',Found).
 Found = @'J#00000140260210192312'.
 ?- mesh_annotator_highlight($Mr,$Found).
 FoundList = [@'J#00000140144111974832',

Clear highlight with


Finding handles (default or by specifying minimum and maximum radius of a handle (unit in meters) or min/max radius and min/max length):

 mesh_find_handle($Mr, Li), listsplit(Li,Lh,Lt), mesh_annotator_highlight($Mr,Lh).
 mesh_find_handle($Mr, Li, 0.1, 0.8), listsplit(Li,Lh,Lt), mesh_annotator_highlight($Mr,Lh).
 mesh_find_handle($Mr, Li, 0.1, 0.8, 0.05, 0.20), listsplit(Li,Lh,Lt), mesh_annotator_highlight($Mr,Lh).

Finding all supporting planes:

 mesh_find_supporting_planes($Mr,Planes), mesh_annotator_highlight($Mr,Planes).


These computables are still work in progress, but they already build up the OWL datastructures of the object and its parts including their properties and relative poses.

Start knowrob_mesh_reasoning

 $ roscd knowrob_mesh_reasoning
 $ rosrun rosprolog rosprolog knowrob_mesh_reasoning

Load example file

 ?- owl_parse('owl/test_objects.owl', false, false, true).

Ask for properPhysicalParts (loads mesh, segments it and creates the parts on the fly)

 ?- rdf_triple(knowrob:properPhysicalParts, knowrob:cabinet1, Parts).

Ask for properties of these parts

 ?- rdf_triple(knowrob:areaOfObject, $Parts, Area).

Currently implemented computables

  • Planar surfaces
    • normalDirection (vector)
    • objectLongSide (vector)
    • objectShortSide (vector)
    • areaOfObject (float)
    • areaCoverage (float)
    • supporting planes (computable class for SupportingPlane)
  • Spheres
    • radius (float)
    • volumeOfObject (float)
    • areaOfObject (float)
    • areaCoverage (float)
    • concavity (computable class for ConcaveTangibleObject)
  • Cones/cylinders
    • radius (as average radius, float)
    • maxRadius (float)
    • minRadius (float)
    • volumeOfObject (float)
    • lengthOfObject (float)
    • longitudinalDirection (vector)
    • areaOfObject (float)
    • areaCoverage (float)
  • Containers
    • longitudinalDirection (opening direction, vector)
    • volumeOfObject (float)
  • Handles (computable class for cylindrical handles, class 'Handle')