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Modeling and generating constraint-based movement descriptions

This page contains supplemental material for the paper “Knowledge-based Specification of Robot Motions” at ECAI 2014.

Software components

The setup of the system consists of three main components: the KnowRob knowledge base, the CRAM plan-based executive, and the controllers for performing the motions. Here, we will give instructions how these components can be installed and set up correctly.

KnowRob setup

You will need the “Developer setup” of KnowRob as described in the installation guide. In addition to the steps explained here, you will need to compile the package containing the models and code for the constraint-based motion descriptions by calling

rosmake knowrob_motion_constraints

After the installation, try out the KnowRob Basics tutorial to make sure that the system is operational.

CRAM setup

General install instructions for CRAM can be found at You will additionally need the following CRAM repositories:  (package: cram_pr2_fccl_demo)  (package: cram_fccl)

Controller setups

Source code for the constraint controller can be found here:

More to come. For further details please contact us via e-mail.

Usage instructions

To come.