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*Use the MATLAB-Prolog interface from * set the following values in the MAKEFILE

export MATLAB=/usr/local/lehrstuhl/DIR/matlab-2007b export MLARCH=glnxa64 export MLLIBS=-leng -lmx -lmat -licuuc -licudata -licui18n -lz -lreadline export SO=so export INCLUDES= export PLLD=/usr/local/lehrstuhl/DIR/pl/lib/pl/bin/x86_64-linux/plld export INSTALL_LIB_TO=~/work/owl/lib export INSTALL_PL_TO=~/work/owl/lib export INSTALL_FLAGS='-bp'

*generate a new file and call it: setPathMatlab.m this file should have the following:

p=genpath('/the/path/where/is/plml/matlab/'); addpath(p);

* move/copy the new file “setPathMatlab.m” to the following address:~/work/owl

*Enter the file plml.cpp and add the following (~line 179)

if (ep) {

    engEvalString(ep, "setPathMatlab;"); //add this to set the path in Matlab
    outbuf=new char[BUFSIZE];

* configure, make, make install

* set the library path to include the MATLAB directories export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lehrstuhl/DIR/matlab-2007b/bin/glnxa64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

* move to the ~/work/owl directory

* start Prolog and run the following commands ?- assert(user:file_search_path(foreign, '/usr/wiss/tenorth/work/owl/lib')), assert(user:file_search_path(library, '/usr/wiss/tenorth/work/owl/lib')). true.

?- use_module(library(plml)). % hostname set to atradig131 % library(hostname) compiled into hostname 0.03 sec, 403,152 bytes % library(ops) compiled into ops 0.00 sec, 8,104 bytes % library(utils) compiled into utils 0.01 sec, 65,408 bytes % library(flists) compiled into flists 0.00 sec, 10,456 bytes % library(plml) compiled into plml 0.08 sec, 619,872 bytes true.

?- ml_open(ml). Matlab engine (ml) open. true.

?- float(A)===2*pi. A = 6.28319.

* NOTE: Just in case you have the following error:

?- ml_open(ml).
ERROR: Unhandled exception: Unknown message: open engine failed

* This means that you need to do the following:

$ sudo apt-get install csh. 

By default c-shell is installed in /bin/csh. That is necessary because you need to have C shell installed in your system as /bin/csh for the matlab engine program to function correctly. You can use any shell, but just that C shell has to be there in the system so that the engine program can use it.