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Visualize object using CAD models
This should be a quick start guide for using CAD models in KnowRob. CAD Models are used to show a realistic model of an object in KnowRob visualization (mod_vis). Please refer to the main knowrob tutorial (_KnowRob_basics) for getting started.
Initializing package
- Start mod_vis
rosrun rosprolog rosprolog mod_vis
- Open the visualisation
- Load knowrob_cad_models package
Loading CAD Models
* Add a model to the scene owl_has(A, rdf:type, knowrob:'DrinkingBottle'), add_object(A, $C).
Query model information
- Getting the total size (in meters) in x direction.
- x = width
- z = height
- y = depth
For additional properties see Model information from OWL
Structure of parser
The base class for all parsers should be ModelParser. It contains some essential methods for using parsers and has a list of Triangles and Lines loaded from the model. So each parser should store the loaded data in the Group (which represents a Triangle/Lines mesh) member to keep everything simple. A group can has a name. It's mesh member stores the Triangle and Lines information. A Triangle can has texture and color. A line only a color.
Model Parser
The model parser is used to parse a CAD Model from a given file and is the base class for all parsers. The parser loads a file and “converts” it so that it can be stored as a list of triangles and lines.
A special feature of the ModelParser is Buffering: If a model has been parset it will be stored in a model buffer. So if the same model should be parsed again it will be taken from this buffer instead of parsing it again. Keep in mind that if you change something in a Group of a specific model it will affect all the other existing instances of this model.
List of available parsers
Currently the following file formats are supported:
- Collada: *.dae, *.kmz
Collada Parser
The collada parser uses [ dae4j] library to parse the collada xml format. Currently dae4j hasn't implemented the whole collada specification, but it seems the best out there for java.
.kmz files will be extracted (zip) into a temporary directory and parsed from there.
How to create a new parser?
Check out ColladaParser for a sample implementation of a parser.
Steps to create a new model parser:
- create a new class and extend it from ModelParser
- Add your parser to the extension list (In so a file extension will be assigned to your parser:
- Example:
extensionAssignment.put("dae", ColladaParser.class);
- implement the needed methods. These should be self explained (see javadoc)
- Store all data in Groups member of ModelParser parent.
Model information from OWL
You can query some properties such as the dimension of a loaded cad model from within prolog.
Here is a list of the most important property queries. For a full list check knowrob_cad_models/prolog/
List of queries
identifier is a knowrob identifier such as “knowrob:'DrinkingBottle'”
; Height of the model in meters :
; Width of the model in meters :
; Depth of the model in meters :