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Tutorial on "Robots and the Internet"

This tutorial was given at the 2013 LUCIA Winter School on “AI and Robotics” in Örebro, Sweden. This page describes the practical examples complementing the presentation.


To run all of the examples, you would need the (restricted) knowrob-dev setup, but most of them also work with the (open) knowrob-all variant. Please follow the linked installation instructions, set up your workspace, and have a look at the Getting Started guide to test your installation.

Import of natural-language instructions

This demonstration is based on the paper “Understanding and Executing Instructions for Everyday Manipulation Tasks from the World Wide Web”, presented at ICRA 2010.

Importer GUI showing the internal representations

In a first step, we can perform the import using a GUI that allows to step through the different stages and to inspect the generated data structures. You need to launch the OpenCyc knowledge base in a separate terminal first and wait about one minute until it's completely loaded.

$ roslaunch opencyc opencyc.launch
$ roscd comp_ehow
$ rosrun comp_ehow ehow_gui

Import into the knowledge base

Alternatively, we can call the importer from within KnowRob to load the generated task descriptions into the knowledge base and ask queries about them. The following loads the same instructions into KnowRob, sends them to the action visualization, and asks for the sub-actions of the plan as well as for the properties of one of them.

rosrun rosprolog rosprolog flowchart_vis
?- rdf_triple(knowrob:forCommand, A, 'make pancakes').
?- planvis_create(_).
?- planvis_load(ehow:'MakePancakes', _).
?- plan_subevents(ehow:'MakePancakes', Sub).
?- class_properties(ehow:'FluidFlow-Translation3', P, O).

Segmentation and Interpretation of Geometric Object Models

This part requires the restricted knowrob-dev repository, but is listed here for completeness. It is based on the paper “Decomposing CAD Models of Objects of Daily Use and Reasoning about their Functional Parts” that has been presented at IROS 2013. The first query asks for the handle of a spatula and returns the instance identifier of this part. The GUI that is opened visualizes the different processing steps, and the fields on the right-hand side allow to inspect the elements that have been identified.

?- rdf_triple(knowrob:properPhysicalParts, knowrob:spatula1, Part), 
   annotation_handle(Part, knowrob:'Handle'), 
   mesh_annotator_highlight_part(knowrob:spatula1, Part).

The second example is to find and highlight a bottle cap, which is defined as the topmost cone annotation using a Prolog rule. This rule is evaluated on the components of the bottle identified in the CAD model.

?- bottle_cap(knowrob:'mix1', Cap), 
   mesh_annotator_highlight_part(knowrob:mix1, Cap).

Object Ontology generated from an Online Shop

Exchanging Information via RoboEarth

Remote Web-based Knowledge Processing