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doc [2022/03/31 07:25] – [Representing and reasoning about actions] sasjongedoc [2024/09/10 11:50] (current) – [Tutorials] daniel86
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 ====== KnowRob documentation ====== ====== KnowRob documentation ======
-//**NOTE** We are currently working on migrating some of the tutorials marked as deprected to the current master branch KnowRob. The main reason they are deprecated is that the KnowRob code has migrated to the foundational ontology [[https://github.com/ease-crc/dul|DUL]]. In addition, many activity-related concepts are now defined in the [[https://github.com/ease-crc/soma|SOMA]] ontology, and have been deleted from **knowrob.owl** (which is now restricted to robot-related concepts). There were many good reasons to do this breaking change such as better organization of ontologies according to generality of concepts, the ending of free Cyc, better compatibility to other knowledge-based systems, and many more.// +A detailed documentation is available in the [[https://github.com/knowrob/knowrob|github repository]]
- +Please have a look at the README.md files there. In addition, a broad overview is provided 
-===== Getting started =====+by the following pages:
   * [[doc/getting_started|Getting started]]   * [[doc/getting_started|Getting started]]
-  * [[doc/knowrob_basics|KnowRob basics]] 
   * [[doc/important_concepts|Important concepts]]   * [[doc/important_concepts|Important concepts]]
   * [[doc/best-practices|Best practices]]   * [[doc/best-practices|Best practices]]
 +====== Tutorials ======
 +Tutorials are available in form of //jupyter// notebooks.
 +They are part of the source tree and can be found in the [[https://github.com/knowrob/knowrob/tree/dev/jupyter|/jupyter]]
 +A local binder instance might be available [[https://binder.intel4coro.de/v2/gh/knowrob/knowrob.git/dev?labpath=jupyter%2Fintro.ipynb|here]] to run the tutorials in the browser.
 ===== Frequently Asked Questions ===== ===== Frequently Asked Questions =====
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 ===== Deprecated documentation ===== ===== Deprecated documentation =====
-Deprecated documentation can be found [[doc_deprecated|here]]. +**Deprecated** documentation can be found [[doc_deprecated|here]]. They will not work with the current version of KnowRob.
- +
-==== Visualization tools and editors ==== 
-  * [[doc/web_visualization|Web-based 3D visualization canvas]] 
-    * [[doc/web_visualization/architecture|System architecture]] 
-    * [[doc/marker_visualization|3D object visualization]] 
-    * [[doc/chart_visualization|Visualization of charts and diagrams]] 
-  * Analysis and segmentation of [[doc/mesh_reasoning|3D object models]] 
-  * [[doc/semantic_map_editor|Semantic map editor]] 
-  * [[doc/action_recipe_editor|Action recipe editor]] 
-  * [[doc/labeling_tools|Labeling tools]] for annotating observations of human activities