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ontologies [2014/06/05 11:38] – external edit [2025/01/21 11:16] (current) – [Ontologies] daniel86
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 ====== Ontologies ====== ====== Ontologies ======
-The following files are the main OWL ontologies used in the KnowRob systemgrouped by the type of knowledge they describe+KnowRob has been employing ontologies in order to conceptualize the world in which 
-=== Base ontologies === +the robot acts since more then a decade. 
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/knowrob.owl +In the early daysKnowRob's knowledge modeling was inspired by definitions in Cyc. 
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/roboearth.owl+More recently, and as a consequence of working closely with linguistic researchers in CRC EASE, 
 +KnowRob'knowledge modeling was revised
 +The most fundamental change is that KnowRob's knowledge modeling was aligned to and derived from 
 +more abstract concepts defined in a carefully designed foundational ontology
 +KnowRob employs the DUL foundational ontology which is a slim version of the 
 +Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (DOLCE). 
 +DUL and DOLCE have a clear cognitive bias, and are both well established in the knowledge engineering 
-=== Semantic Robot Description Language (SRDL) === +As a foundational ontology, however, DUL does not define very specific concepts such as fork or dish. 
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/srdl2.owl +However, these concepts are needed for our robots that do everyday activities. 
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/srdl2-comp.owl +[[https://ease-crc.github.io/soma/|SOMA]] is an ontological model, developped in CRC EASE, that attempts to equip robotic agents with abstract knowledge to enable them performing activities in a more flexible and robust mannerThe main focus of SOMA is the characterization of physical and social activity context, as well as the motions carried out by agents, and the interactions caused by them. SOMA is continuously deployed [[https://ease-crc.github.io/soma/owl/current/SOMA.owl|here]], and can be loaded 
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/srdl2-cap.owl +with common ontology tools.
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/srdl2-action.owl+
-=== Computable definitions === +{{ :wiki:soma-vowl-zoomed.png?600 }}
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/computable.owl +
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/comp_spatial.owl +
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/comp_temporal.owl +
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/knowrob_objects.owl +
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/knowrob_units.owl+
-=== Semantic environment maps === +Finally, ontologies maintained as part of [[https://github.com/knowrob/knowrob/tree/master/owl|KnowRob]] are thought to be specifically for the robot usecase
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/ccrl2_semantic_map.owl +For example, a concept "fork" would not be defined in these ontologies, but concepts such as "sensor" 
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/ias_semantic_map.owl +or "robot control system" would belong in these ontologies.
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/ccrl2_semantic_map_addons.owl+
-=== Ubiquitous Network Robot Platform === +===== Legacy Ontologies =====
-The following ontologies correspond to the following publication: +
-Moritz Tenorth, Koji Kamei, Satoru Satake, Takahiro Miyashita, Norihiro Hagita, "Building Knowledge-enabled Cloud Robotics Applications using the Ubiquitous Network Robot Platform", In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Tokyo Big Sight, Japan, 2013. +
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/unr_actions.owl (Extension of the KnowRob action ontology with classes for UNR components) +
-  * http://knowrob.org/kb/ubimart-recommendation.owl (Example action recipe) for the recommendation experiment in the convenience store)+
 +There are a couple of ontologies once developed for KnowRob that are not supported or used anymore for some reason.
 +For reference, we keep these files in a collection of [[http://knowrob.org/legacy-ontologies|legacy ontologies]].