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support [2013/02/28 15:51] adminsupport [2024/09/10 11:37] (current) – [Mailinglist] daniel86
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 ====== Getting support ====== ====== Getting support ======
-The preferred way of asking for suppport is via http://answers.ros.org. This page collects all ROS-related questions and archives the answersthereby creating an automatically updated FAQ. Asking there also allows other users besides the KnowRob core developers to answer question. Please tag your question with the names of the respective ROS packages and with 'knowrob'. These tags make answers easier to find and generate automatic email notifications to the package maintainers that a new question has been asked.+Before asking a questionplease first have look at the [[doc|documentation]] and in particular the [[faq|FAQ]] section on this web site.
-Before asking a question, please first have a look at the [[doc|documentation]] and in particular the [[faq|FAQ]] section on this web siteAlso have a look at the [[http://answers.ros.org/questions/scope:all/sort:activity-desc/tags:knowrob/page:1/|archives on answers.ros.org]] to see whether similar questions have been asked before.+===== GitHub ===== 
 +The main communication channel for questions regarding the usage of KnowRob is the [[https://github.com/knowrob/knowrob/issues|GitHub issue tracker]]. 
 +===== answers.ros.org ===== 
 +Another way of asking for suppport is via http://answers.ros.org. This page collects all ROS-related questions and archives the answers, thereby creating an automatically updated FAQAsking there also allows other users besides the KnowRob core developers to answer a questionPlease tag your question with the names of the respective ROS packages and with 'knowrob'. These tags make answers easier to find and generate automatic email notifications to the package maintainers that a new question has been asked.